As the old weather station was playing up (loosing communication with all sensors). I have saved up and bought and new weather station – Davis Vantage Vue
This new weather station has a greater range 300Meters vs 100Meters of the oregon scientific WMR200 – also seem much better built, downside are no optional extra sensors can be added to the Davis and the Davis is more expensive (When you factor in a data logger too)

The main display will live in the living room and using the IP data logger means I don’t have to put it next to the computer, This will give me more accurate inside temperature measurements and means I can keep an eye on the readings when in the living room

The Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS) make installation very simple, with only 1 unit to cover wind speed and direction, Rainfall, Outside temperature and humidity. using a TV aerial bracket and 1.5″ pole (3.6 Meters long) the sensor suit is mounted the gable end off the wall and sticks above the roof line to give as accurate wind measurements as possible.

With the weather station in and working next we moved onto the setup and web updates, As I run an old Dell Server in my home lab, I setup and new Virtual Machine (VM) this runs Windows and Weather Display software this is setup to receive the information over Ethernet from the weather station to the VM. This then logs the data and uploads it (In lightweight text format) over the internet to my website running Weather Display live(Flash player) and FreshWDL(Javascript)

Check the live weather out here:
Irchester Live Weather Station
Irchester Live Weather Station – Flash based (Requires Adobe flasher player)